My mom and I went shopping on Sunday afternoon to return unwanted things and scope out the Christmas deals. I got a couple tops, a vest, and Aqua Teen Hunger Force Vol. 1 on DVD. I also tried on these pink cords from the Gap which I kinda wanted and they looked nice on me, but I honestly don't have many tops to pair with them.
While I was scoping out the concert DVD's in HMV, I spotted Roger Waters performing the Wall live in Berlin. Waters stated in 1989 that the only way he would perform a live rendition of the Wall was "if the Berlin Wall came down". So when the Berlin Wall fell down in November of 1989, Waters performed a concert in July of 1990 to commemorate the event.
The Wall is one of my favourite albums and the thought of watching it live made me excited. I decided to watch it on Youtube first to judge if it would be worthy enough to buy. Waters collaborated with a number of well-known artists, like the Scorpions, Cindi Lauper, and Sinead O'Connor, to reproduce the story of main character Pink as he encounters obstacles which eventually lead to his initial isolation from society (his building of 'the wall').
The majority of songs were performed really well,they kept it very true to the studio version of the album and didn't really add on to the original compositions. I know that this is mostly due to the fact that it was other musicians playing them and not the original band members themselves.
Oh. I would just like to add that since I was watching it on Youtube, I ran into some technical difficulties. The concert was divided into 12 parts and I couldn't watch two of them because the audio was disabled due to copyright infringement. My question is: Why would you censor only TWO of the videos and not remove the entire thread off Youtube?
My favourite part in watching this concert were the puppets, check them out: