Monday, February 1, 2010

I burnt my tongue today and it was so worth it

The only thing I had been looking forward to in my elective today was buying a drink from William's over break. I rarely ever buy anything from there, but today I felt like treating myself to a warm drink. I walked down the stairs prepared to buy a flavoured tea, but I quickly forgot about that once I noticed three words on the menu:

Chai Tea Latte

Oh man. Before today, the last time I drank this was in grade twelve. Almost every Friday in the summer Ainslee and I would go to Port Colborne's farmers' market and then make a pit stop at the Market Cafe, which was located on the same street. I'm pretty sure this is where I had my first Chai Latte.

I even worked myself to try a chilled Chai Latte. I had this from the cafe in the lobby of the Welland Hospital, where my mom works, and would sometimes get one if I would pick her up. There was this cute guy who worked there, so my mom would always make a stop to buy something from him. We got the joy of looking at a cute guy AND having a decent drink.

Anyways. Let's just say, I completely forgot this drink existed until this afternoon, but I'm happy that it came into my life again.

Yours truly.

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